Rana Quraishi

Rana Quraishi

About Me

Rana Quraishi has spent much of her career working in life science directed finance, investment and consulting organizations. At the TCG Group, a premiere private equity firm she focused on business development opportunities for its life science companies. Prior to this she was a Principal at Conning Capital Partners/SwissRe an early stage private equity fund providing growth capital for entrepreneurial companies where she served on Boards of several portfolio companies. She was also CFO/senior advisor for Helicon Therapeutics, a start-up with assets contributed by Cold Spring Harbor and OSI Pharmaceuticals. She developed the Company's business plan, and made investor presentations leading to $6 million in initial funding. Helicon was subsequently acquired. Earlier in her career Rana worked for Standard and Poor’s, GE Capital where she was Commercial Quality Leader for GE Capital and prior to that headed the Business Development Group at its FGIC subsidiary, J.E. Seagram and American Express where she led treasury and acquisitions and divestitures groups. She has served on several for-profit and not for-profit boards, and has also authored the widely read “Market Demand Study for Commercial Biotechnology, Biomedical, and Bioinformatics Facilities in New York City” for the New York City Partnership and Investment Fund. Dr. Quraishi has a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Columbia University where she was also an undergraduate and an MS degree from Harvard University.

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